
How does a surrogate get pregnant?

Do you want to know how does a surrogate get pregnant? We will explain you step by step the medical surrogacy process

Once the surrogate has been selected, the medical treatment necessary for the surrogate to become pregnant can begin.
There are some steps to follow that will be quite similar to those that happen in an IVF cycle, with the only difference that the genetic load will be from the intended parents. Thus, the necessary steps can be divided into the following:

Medical screening

Medical screening performed by fertility clinic. For instance: blood and urine work, ultrasounds, etc.


A series of hormones (can be natural estrogen and progesterone) will be administered to the surrogate so that her uterus is prepared for when the time comes to implant the embryo. Both the dose and duration of the treatment will depend on each case and, therefore, must be evaluated on an individual basis.


The embryos will be grown in the laboratory for 5-6 days to make sure they are healthy. The best ones will be selected for transfer to the surrogate's uterus. Embryo transfer is a painless procedure performed by a fertility doctor, in which one tube is inserted to place the embryo into the uterus.

Pregnancy test

At the clinic’s recommendation, a blood pregnancy test will be performed.

Positive pregnancy

The surrogate should continue hormone supplementation through the first trimester. Follow-up will be done to determine at what point the supplements are no longer needed. After that, the rest is like a normal pregnancy.

Surrogate pregnancy: FAQs

Whose egg is used in surrogacy?

In traditional surrogacy the surrogate and the egg donor are the same person. In gestational surrogacy, it is either the intended mother or the donor, so the surrogate has no genetic link.

Does baby take on DNA of surrogate?

It does take in traditional surrogacy.

What if the embryo transfer fails?

Based on decision between the IVF clinic and intended parents and the surrogate, another transfer can happen.

If you want to become a surrogate, just fill out the application form and we will contact you or, just contact us to get more information.